What is your vision for 2022?

Have you manifested your goals for 2022 yet? Learn about helpful steps to visualize your goals and learn all about creating a vision board in this blog post.
Rediscovering your intuition abroad

When your career plans abroad have not worked out: Listen to your intuition and pause your busy mind. Here is my personal story of my life abroad.
Life abroad: Perception vs. Reality

The perception of our lives abroad often differs tremendously from reality. While life abroad definitely brings along a lot of joy, happiness, opportunities and exciting experiences, it also comes with a price tag. Like everything in life, there are two sides to a coin.
The idea of us sitting along the pool sipping a margarita might feel far away for you. For your friends and family back home, this might be the picture that they have in their heads.
I am grateful for…

Thanksgiving is around the corner reminding us to get together and reflect on what we are thankful for. As a German and vegetarian, the traditional version of Thanksgiving is not really my turf. However, it’s a great time for reflection and creating awareness of how lucky we are despite the daily stress we might have.
Stepping outside your comfort zone

Every once in awhile, we get triggered to step out our own comfort zone. For me personally, this often involves public speaking or sales pitches. Those are things that are just not meeting my core strengths. While others love to present themselves, I prefer to put the content in the spotlight instead of me as a person. However, when you are seeking to grow personally and professionally, stepping outside the comfort zone is a vital method and can’t be neglected!
How to Deal with Homesickness as an Expat

If you were looking forward to working and living abroad, homesickness as an expat can come as a surprise, but it is not uncommon. If you have only recently moved abroad to work, it can make settling in to a new country much more difficult. For many expats, homesickness is even thought to be a contributory factor in their decision to repatriate. Thankfully, Allianz Care has developed several steps you can take to help deal with any feelings of homesickness you may be experiencing without making the drastic decision to return home:
Why we need to learn how to say no

If we are honest to ourselves, saying YES is far more comfortable than saying NO to someone. In this blog post, I want to introduce you to the concept of saying NO, why we need to train this as a muscle, why it is especially essential for expats, and how saying NO can improve your personal quest for happiness.
What are you aiming for in your career?

What are you striving for in your career? What was your original motivation when applying for your first job, and what has changed along the way? Naturally, we are more fulfilled and successful when we are striving for something professionally that is also aligned with who we are as a person. If you are thinking about a career change or you are unsure where to head next to now is the time to check your motivation. In this blog post, I want to introduce you to the concept of career anchors and how that simple test can be a helpful guide to you for your personal career planning.
What is your intent for life?

People widely agree, that we are living a happier life when we know the motivation behind our actions and act according to it. However, not everyone is clear about their very own intent for life. What do you want to do with your life? What is the direction that feels right to you? Are you triggered by your inner belief or are you more influenced on what seems desirable according to media and society? In this article, I want to highlight what intent is, how you can reflect on your very own intent for life and start living accordingly.
Blue Monday

Do you like Mondays? I have the feeling that claiming to hate Mondays is not only the new norm but also widely socially labeled as „cool.“ Everyone is posting a sad face and a reference to Mondays on social media. I recently found out that there is also the term „blue Monday“ referring to a Monday in January which weatherwise brings the most depressed vibe with it. However, if you are the expat partner, Mondays might have reached a new level of stress. In this article, I want to explain why and what will help if you are feeling moody.
Are you still happy with your job? Is it time for a career change?

How reflective are you with your current choice of career? We tend to question our diet, our partner, friends… but how happy are we in our current job environment? If we are unhappy, is this just for the moment or does it reflect a long-term frustration?
The 4-weeks Happiness Tracker

I love checklists in all kinds of forms and it is no wonder that coaching got me interested in Happiness Tracking. In this blog post, I tell you what Happiness Tracking is all about. I also offer a free download for everyone that wants to check their current mood and wellbeing. Just follow the link below.
The concept of Visualization & how it helps you to find out what you really want

Visualization is a powerful tool that can take your goal setting to the next level. It is a common technique in coaching and I found it to be very useful with my Expat clients. In this article, I introduce you to the basic concept and I will show you my favorite exercise for new Expats who are on their journey figuring out what they want to achieve during their time abroad.
How coaching helped me to become a happier Expat

How coaching helped me to become a happier expat I want to share with you how coaching helped me to become a happier Expat / Expat Partner and hope it will help you as well in the case you are sometimes struggling. How I got introduced to coaching I have a background in marketing and […]
Create a career vision that inspires you

Many people dream of radical career changes, but only a few follow through. A move abroad often forces us to take the leap and jump. In this blog post, I will introduce you to some career shaping techniques that I learned from fellow career coaches along my journey.
Check out the free download at the bottom of this article to work on your very own vision for your career change.
How to find your professional identity abroad

How to work abroad as the Expat Partner is THE question for many of joining our partners abroad. I share my toolkit on how to build on your career while living abroad.
How underlying beliefs stop you from finding happiness as the Expat Partner

Underlying beliefs can stop Expat Partners from finding their professional identity abroad and move forward. Learn more on how to detect underlying beliefs and act on it during your time abroad.