monday, coffee

The fear of mondays - Tackling the monday blues

Do you like Mondays? I have the feeling that claiming to hate Mondays is not only the new norm but also widely socially labeled as „cool.“ Everyone is posting a sad face and a reference to Mondays on social media. I recently found out that there is also the term „blue Monday“ referring to a Monday in January which weather wise brings the most depressed vibe with it. 

However, if you are the expat partner, Mondays might have reached a new level of stress. 

In this article, I want to explain why and what will help if you are feeling moody.  

The Expat Partner and Mondays - the weekly mirror of what is missing

Mondays symbolize the transition from leisure time to work time. Everyone is rolling up their sleeves again and goes back to their 9 to 5 job fulfilling the expectations of society of a successful professional life. For expat partners in transition, these Monday mornings are a constant reminder of the career they might have paused or the job opportunity they are still waiting for. The husband is going back to work leaving her back with her thoughts of: What am I going to do with my life during this time abroad? You might think now, wait a minute, I am not that woman. I have figured out what I am going to do. But my coaching experience shows me that you either have been in this state of mind or might be in the future so it might be useful to you to read on. 

How to cope with the Monday Blues

Here are my go-to tips and tricks. You can also sign-up for the Share-the-Love Newsletter and receive my proven methods for the Expat Partner’s Blues. Download the checklist and keep it in reach to get some inspiration for those days when you are not really motivated to turn your day into something positive. 

Get busy

You might be the one who likes Mondays, as it is easy to be busy doing all the things, there was no time for during the weekend. In this case, Tuesdays might be even worse for you. No matter the day, if you are feeling not at your best, it always helps to get busy and start with something. Ticking things from a todo list often gives us new energy to get back to writing this one job application or signing up for another networking event. 

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Work out

To share a personal tip from my very own experience: I love working out on Monday mornings. Gyms are empty, and it is the ultimate way to spoil myself and to remind myself of my new found freedom of not having a 9-5 job. Working out during the day and not in the evening with everyone else helps me to put my own needs first. This might be something for you as well. 

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Connect in advance

When I am having a great week with lots of exciting meetings, events, and clients it is because I have scheduled them all a couple of weeks ahead. If you are feeling not like going out today or talking to this one person, use this day to make appointments for the future. Put on your „saying yes“ hat and reach out to the people around you. Search on LinkedIn for like-minded people or the ones in an industry you are interested in. Look for meet-ups, networking events, informative evenings, local volunteering events or concerts that will come up. Browse the web with an „I will click on everything that interests“ me attitude and see where this will lead you. 

Read your gratitude log

If you are a fan of bullet journaling, you already might have a list where you write down small things you are grateful for every now and then. It’s a great resource to get back to when you are feeling down. You will check in with your very self a couple of days ago with a different mood which will put things into perspective to you. 

These are a couple of tips I have discussed with clients recently. Sign-up for the Share-the-Love Newsletter and download my handy and more comprehensive checklist. You will receive this and more downloads with the first welcome mail. Let me know what works for you! Share your personal tips with us and brighten the day of someone else. Use the comment section below this post or write to if you want me to share your tips anonymously. 

Thanks for sharing the love and stopping by

Kate from Share the Love, expat, expat wife, expat life

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