Juggling Motherhood & Career
The topics of career planning abroad and motherhood are inevitably intertwined. Many expats move abroad with children or become pregnant abroad.
If you would like to network with other mothers living abroad, our Mastermind group is a great place to start (more info).
Blog Posts

Mum guilt – How much time should I spend with my child to be a good mum?
You know this nagging feeling when you are spending time apart from your baby? The feeling of guilt that might come over you when you invest in a babysitter just to do something for yourself? The often painful decision to leave your child to daycare to go back to work. In this article, I want to introduce you to the concept behind called mum guilt. You will learn that it is universal and you will learn how changing your approach on HOW you spend time with your kid can make all the difference.

Can you have it all? A global career and a happy family?
There are several potential reasons, why the vast majority of expats sent abroad by companies are still men. One of the often-mentioned myths is the question of balancing motherhood and a global career. In this article, you will learn about the different family models Female Expats choose and the essential parameters to make it possible in the first place.

Repatriation with Kids
During summer many families are relocating to a different country. In this guest blog post, Anne is giving valuable insights into the psychological aspect and provides tips and tricks from her own experiences.

How does your child feel about this international lifestyle?
For this post I invited an expert in the field of Third-Culture-Kids (TCK). Ann Wöste sharges her knowledge about how to care for our beloved children abroad.

The 21st-century motherhood dilemma – an opinion piece
The struggle of getting childcare in Gemany and the constant justification of a mother of a 9-months old. An opinion piece with the invitation to support each other.

Most mothers struggle with juggling the different roles in their life. How to enjoy work while also caring for children? How to deal with public opinions about being a good mother? How to encounter colleagues at work who diminish your level of commitment? Many academic papers are researching the manifold challenges of motherhood. Today, I want to introduce you to the concept of intensive mothering and its effect on the working mothers‘ experiences focusing on the paper by Lamar and Forbes (published April 2020) called „A phenomenological investigation into the role of intensive mothering in working mothers‘ career experiences.“

Motherhood & Career Planning – Deciding on a family model
Becoming a mother most likely creates a shift in your perspectives and your priorities in life. Like with any other major life change it offers the possibility to reflect on the path behind and provokes the question of What next? While mother AND father are facing a new era, it is especially challenging for the one who pauses a career and becomes the major caregiver. In this blog post, I reflect on the different family models and how to decide what’s best for you.

Pregnancy Troubles as the Expat
I want to stress an important topic that most of expat partners are confronted with at some time or the other: Is expatriation a great time to become pregnant? How does motherhood change your expat experience? What if you can‘ get pregnant? What if you just opened the chapter of the infertility chapter? This blog provides different perspectives on this topic, aiming to give you comfort and support.