Why Couple Contracting is Crucial for Expat Couples

Living abroad brings unique challenges that can shift dynamics within a relationship unexpectedly. From adjusting to a new culture to managing career changes or redefined roles due to local constraints, these transitions can strain a partnership without clear communication and agreed-upon expectations. It might sound wired to formulate a contract with a loved one. However, many appreciate this tool since it supports be more clear and active in our way of communicating with our partner. Let’s get started and learn more about what couple contracts entail and how to set one up for yourself. Further down I am also sharing a free template with you to get the process started.
Support services for accompanying partners abroad

The well-being of the accompanying partner on traditional corporate assignments is not only in the interest of the partner and the family but also in the interest of the company sending the family abroad. Countless studies show that a struggling accompanying partner is causing a higher ratio of earlier returns or unsuccessful postings. In this blog post, I am covering the different aspects of company support. You will learn what kinds of support aspects you might be able to receive and motivates you to take your own adjustment abroad seriously.
The aimless & spoiled expat spouse – an opinion piece

A few years ago I read an article in a renowned German newspaper about women who move abroad for their husband’s careers and give up their careers to do so. The article was written in a tone that made it clear that the reality of this situation was not fully grasped by the authors. There was a lot written about self-sacrifice, betrayal of emancipation, and throwing away one’s identity. These are points that are certainly felt partially by expat partners, but they do not reflect the real motivation and situation in all its complexity. I have then written an opinion piece that has lost nothing of its relevance to this day.
Therefore, in this blog post I would like to point out the other side and draw a counter-draft to the image of the spoiled partner abroad.
Why some assignments fail

Not every posting ends happily. Many secondments fail, affecting not only corporate projects but also, especially in the long term, family and personal satisfaction. In this blog post, I would like to share a few insights that I was able to find in the course of my research on this topic. I like to refer to academic studies and large-scale studies and I am glad that there have been more studies on this topic especially in the last 20 years. If you want to look more into the topic feel free to check out this info box. In this box, I put the names of some papers and studies that I consider relevant.
The New Post Pandemic Workplace – implications for the expat partner and international career couple

In this blog post, I share with you possible changes due to COVID-19 and how you can respond and benefit as the expat partners. Make yourself ready for a new work culture
6 Pillars of creating a career abroad

In this blog post I would like to go into the 6 pillars I recommend every expat partner to build. I address each of these pillars in my 1:1 coaching sessions and in the regular Mastermind groups.
The WHY & HOW to approach strangers abroad

This blog post is all about making acquaintances abroad. I share the great TED Talk from a 75 year old Harvard study on the value of relationships on our happiness and health, share tips from the SharetheLove community and introduce you to the great Kio who shows you how to approach strangers. Life is too short for loneliness. Get proactive and inspired by all these great resources!
Finding friends abroad – how to connect with other expat families

Family and friends are the most important pillars in our lives. While we can take some of our family with us on our expat adventure, our friendships stay behind. So I was very happy when Dzhangar from Matchfamilies contacted me. His app that connects expat families was exactly the solution for the phase when you realize that you miss friends but don’t know what to do about it.
1 Year later – expat families in the midst of a global pandemic

One year ago, I interviewed families who were going through their very first weeks of the global pandemic. How are they doing 1 year later? Are they finally reunited? Have they returned home early? Also lots of additional resources for support in this new blog post.
How expat families are coping with the coronavirus

2020 had a rough start in terms of global news. The outbreak of the coronavirus was one of them. The sheer amount of media coverage (on all levels of quality) and the uncertainty that the virus outbreak brought to many lives also affected expat families around the globe but specifically those closer to the area of origin. I was wondering, how expat families are coping with the challenge, how they made their decision on whether to stay or to go „home“, and what they have learned from the current situation.
Life abroad: Perception vs. Reality

The perception of our lives abroad often differs tremendously from reality. While life abroad definitely brings along a lot of joy, happiness, opportunities and exciting experiences, it also comes with a price tag. Like everything in life, there are two sides to a coin.
The idea of us sitting along the pool sipping a margarita might feel far away for you. For your friends and family back home, this might be the picture that they have in their heads.
The biggest gift of living abroad

A column about the biggest gift of living abroad and the joy of expatriation.
Pregnancy Troubles as the Expat

I want to stress an important topic that most of expat partners are confronted with at some time or the other: Is expatriation a great time to become pregnant? How does motherhood change your expat experience? What if you can‘ get pregnant? What if you just opened the chapter of the infertility chapter? This blog provides different perspectives on this topic, aiming to give you comfort and support.
How to Deal with Homesickness as an Expat

If you were looking forward to working and living abroad, homesickness as an expat can come as a surprise, but it is not uncommon. If you have only recently moved abroad to work, it can make settling in to a new country much more difficult. For many expats, homesickness is even thought to be a contributory factor in their decision to repatriate. Thankfully, Allianz Care has developed several steps you can take to help deal with any feelings of homesickness you may be experiencing without making the drastic decision to return home:
Do we have an obligation as expats?

Reflecting on my experience at the Families in Global Transition Conference in Bangkok a couple of weeks ago, there is one sentence that is imprinted in my head: „We are equipped – more than others – to make a change.“
I keep wondering: Is that true? Are we in a privileged situation that should trigger us to act?
Making friends abroad

Finding friends abroad is a challenging but rewarding process. In the expat world, friendship is often intense, short, and always comes with a good-bye at a certain point. In this blog post, I talk about how to approach this emotional topic and stay in contact throughout the shared time abroad.
Blue Monday

Do you like Mondays? I have the feeling that claiming to hate Mondays is not only the new norm but also widely socially labeled as „cool.“ Everyone is posting a sad face and a reference to Mondays on social media. I recently found out that there is also the term „blue Monday“ referring to a Monday in January which weatherwise brings the most depressed vibe with it. However, if you are the expat partner, Mondays might have reached a new level of stress. In this article, I want to explain why and what will help if you are feeling moody.