Blue Monday

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Do you like Mondays? I have the feeling that claiming to hate Mondays is not only the new norm but also widely socially labeled as „cool.“ Everyone is posting a sad face and a reference to Mondays on social media. I recently found out that there is also the term „blue Monday“ referring to a Monday in January which weatherwise brings the most depressed vibe with it. However, if you are the expat partner, Mondays might have reached a new level of stress. In this article, I want to explain why and what will help if you are feeling moody.

The Expat Syndrom and its best medicine

expat syndrom, girl running

Especially new Expats are struggling with the so-called Expat syndrome: We tend to see only the negative parts of the new culture we are living in and praise our own culture from back home. It is human and does not define your character. It’s more of a coping strategy of the human brain for an overload of uncertainty and new beginnings. However, this attitude won’t make you happy when living abroad.