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You will get an automated email with the next steps and I will touch base with you in person as soon as my Elternzeit allows. In the meantime here are some blog posts I recommend to get started: 

career planning abroad, expat, confusing, questions, career, sharethelove, working abroad

The biggest challenges for the expat partner to work abroad

This blog post offers a well-structured overview of the most common challenges when moving abroad as a family for the accompanying partner and her own career plans. Knowing about the most common challenges will help you to prepare, to better understand the situation and the investment you are making and gives you a better position for negotiations with your partner and your partner’s company.

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linkedin, CV, networking, job hunt, expat, expat partner, expat partner career support

Do’s and Don’ts on LinkedIn

LinkedIn is THE essential social media platform when you want to change career paths. I know Instagram is more fun but LinkedIn is a way better time investment. In this blog post, I share the 4 Do’s and Don’ts I when it comes to your activity on LinkedIn. Let’s get right into it.

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corona, job, career

How to land a job during a pandemic

Since COVID19, women have reached out to me asking whether they should still apply for jobs. They hesitated to send out resumes and continue investing time and energy into looking for opportunities. In this blog post, I am talking about was has and was has NOT changed since COVID19 and how to prepare for the competitive journey of getting your dream job.

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interview, start-up, get a job, job hunt

How to get a job at a start-up

Start-ups are enjoying a great image nowadays, and people are looking for ways to get a foot into this promising sector. In this article, I will explain the advantages & disadvantages of working in the start-up sector and how to apply successfully.

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