When preparation becomes a form of procrastination

Have you ever asked yourself if you are really taking the right approach to your job search? In this blog post, I’ll address the two most common strategic mistakes I observe as a career coach and invite you on a little journey of reflection.
Don’t turn your hobby into a profession

Often it sounds very obvious when you are thinking about how you could go on professionally: Why not simply turn your hobby into a profession? In this blog post, you’ll learn about the importance of passion in choosing a career and why losing the magic of a hobby can end badly.
How to use the new LinkedIn Career Break feature

Everything you need to know about LinkedIn’s new Career Break feature. My personal assessment of the function and a step-by-step guide with further information on the topic of re-entry.
How to cope with rejections while job hunting

Dealing with rejections creates a downward spiral of negative self talk. Here are my 5 tips to stop this process and focus on what you can control.
How to write a CV when re-entering the workforce

6 tips to improve your CV when you are re-entering the workforce after parental leave and living abroad
Your path to a purposeful career

Finding your purpose. It’s become a bit of a buzzword, hasn’t it? An entire generation (and now parts of previous generations as well) are striving for a job that not only offers an attractive paycheck but is also fulfilling and singing. In other words, it has a purpose.
But what is a career led by purpose and how do I find it? I will answer these questions in this blog post.
Your 5 step process to take your own career serious while living a global family life

Prioritizing yourself and your own projects is anything but a no-brainer. In this blog post, I share my 5 tips to make it happen, talk about Intensive Mothering and invite you to an intensive coaching session.
What do spouses work when moving abroad?

Learn how many expat partners are working abroad, the question of having a work permit or not and what to do when Plan A of continuing your former career does not work out.
The biggest challenges for the expat partner to work abroad

This blog post offers a well-structured overview of the most common challenges when moving abroad as a family for the accompanying partner and her own career plans. Knowing about the most common challenges will help you to prepare, to better understand the situation and the investment you are making and gives you a better position for negotiations with your partner and your partner’s company.
The Protean Career

In the literature, a distinction is often made between the typical male and straight career path (alpha career) and the typical female, more volatile career path (beta career). Indeed, to this day, women face additional constraints and challenges in career planning. This article briefly describes the Protean Career – where women define their own definition of a successful career.
6 Pillars of creating a career abroad

In this blog post I would like to go into the 6 pillars I recommend every expat partner to build. I address each of these pillars in my 1:1 coaching sessions and in the regular Mastermind groups.
Do’s and Don’ts on LinkedIn

LinkedIn is THE essential social media platform when you want to change career paths. I know Instagram is more fun but LinkedIn is a way better time investment. In this blog post, I share the 4 Do’s and Don’ts I when it comes to your activity on LinkedIn. Let’s get right into it.
The complexity of being an International Career Couple

I recently had the pleasure of talking to Jannie Aasted Skov-Hansen and Paul Vanderbroeck about their new book „The International Career Couple Handbook“. Reading the title alone, you will get a good sense of what the book is all about and it is a great additional resource when planning your adventures abroad. So as it is just a perfect fit for the SharetheLove audience and I really enjoyed reading it I want to tell you more about it in this blog post. I will introduce you to the definition of International Career Couples and explain to you why this book is very helpful even when you are currently NOT in a Dual-Career relationship right now.

Many women are looking for the second act in their life after caring for the children for decades. Other women are already struggling with returning to work after only a couple of years of the career paths. No matter the lengths away from the workplace, many women have two things in common: they are highly educated but lacking the network and the confidence to get back on track after a career hiatus.
How to land a job during a pandemic

Since COVID19, women have reached out to me asking whether they should still apply for jobs. They hesitated to send out resumes and continue investing time and energy into looking for opportunities. In this blog post, I am talking about was has and was has NOT changed since COVID19 and how to prepare for the competitive journey of getting your dream job.
Should I still send out job applications? How hiring is affected by Covid19

Covid19 is affecting all layers of our daily lives obviously not sparring out employment. As this website focuses on the professional journey of expat partners, I want to address the questions you might have right now:
Does it still make sense to apply for jobs?
Are there even job listings?
What can I do to increase my chances of becoming employed?

Recently I stumbled upon one of the best, recent academic papers about Dual-Career Planning in expatriation. The paper „Expatriated dual-career partners: hope and disillusionment“ by Agnieszka Kierner perfectly illustrates how hope vanishes when career goals are not met during an international assignment.