Do the next right thing – Role Model portrait Mireille

I am delighted to introduce you to our Role Model of the month: Mireille. In this portrait, we will learn how everything unfolded in hindsight. While there was confusion in mixed feelings in the midst of the expatriate experience, all her small steps lead to her having a job and family life she is very happy about. Learn about the important ingredient of networking and finding the common threat in your life.
Overcoming bureaucracy and the long path to find professional purpose abroad – Role Model Story Patricia

I would like to present you today, at Christmas time, a very special Role Model Story. It is a story that shows what happens when you persistently work on your goal and keep a profound fear behind you. It is a beautiful, emotional, touching story and I am very happy and proud that the protagonist this time is a friend of mine. Let’s start with this wonderful role model portrait.
Why I chose not to work and what I do instead – an interview with an Expat Spouse

Many expat partners ask themselves what to do with their life after moving abroad – especially when the „society-approved“, traditional corporate job or raising children is not a scenario. We often forget that there is a different path we can go: Not working, investing all the time and energy into ourselves, and be happy as hell. I am thrilled that Simone, who is actually also one of my coaching clients, is open to sharing her story and her personal approach in a blog post with us. Simone is a huge inspiration for me, and I bet you will be inspired after reading her reasoning behind her choice as well. Enjoy getting to know Simone and her creative, bold, confident, and clever approach to spending her time abroad.

Moving abroad can have an impact on your confidence. Especially if you have trouble in getting back into a routine or in some work right from the beginning. In this article, I want to introduce you to Khethiwe, a confidence coach located in South Africa. I interviewed her about her approach to start a couple of portable businesses, her advice for expat partners, and how to regain confidence after moving abroad. She shared her experience with being a public speaker and a coach. If you are interested in getting started in that field, stay tuned for her tips!
How to start your own company? Interview with Umamah

The phenomenon that some expat partners take the plunge and start their own business abroad has interested me since we moved countries a couple of years ago. I have already talked about the phenomenon of Expat-Preneurship here. Today, I want you to introduce you to an inspiring entrepreneur who actually started a business that might be of benefit to a lot of us before moving places.
How to become a professional blogger – Interview with a German living in the US

Ever heard of FBA? I interviewed Dan, a German expat partner living in the US, about his blogging experience and he introduced me to this great portable career option. Learn more about it.
A positive answer to the question „What do you do?“

So, I covered in several posts the identity struggle than can come along when you are moving abroad for the partner’s job. It’s a new beginning on several levels and a change also in areas that you have been happy with such as the job situation. In this blog post, I want to present you an interview with a very experienced Expat who moved abroad for her husband’s job and managed to re-invent herself and be happy with the new lifestyle. She contacted me after reading one of my blog posts where I covered the topic of why the question „What do you do?“ can be a tough one. She expressed her disbelief that modern women are still struggling with this and showed me her perspective. I loved it and wanted to present to you her point of view so I asked her for an interview. And here it is: A conversation about the modern challenges of being an Expat Partner and what to learn from more experienced Expat Partners – with the amazing Antje Döhring.
The truth about Blogging – an straightforward interview with an Expat Mum

This interview is the perfect proof that when you reach out to the universe, it will reply. I was searching for Expat Partners who were willing to share their story of becoming a professional blogger, and I found Christine. She was an Expat in Germany when she started her blog and turned it into a real profession. In this interview, she is sharing her tips and tricks without whitewashing. She is pretty straightforward about the ups and downs of blogging making this interview a perfect resource for you! I promise it is worth your time! Thank you so much, Christine, for your contribution!
Becoming a professional blogger as a Military Spouse: Interview with the amazing Roxci

If you are considering to blog about your Expat experience I am highly recommending you to follow Roxci’s story. I am so glad that she is sharing her journey with us in a few questions. As a military spouse and blogger she is connected to both worlds and her content is highly professional! I hope you find her as inspiring as me!
When a hobby turns into a professional blog: The story of the blog Expatpanda

Blogging can be a very rewarding path for Expat Partners or Expats in general who want to share their story but are also looking for some ways to earn money or continue a career. In the following weeks, I will introduce you to great Expat Bloggers who managed to create amazing platforms with lots of inspiration and knowledge in that field! In the sense of Share-the-Love they will share their valuable experience with us! Let’s start with the first interview of this series. This week I had the opportunity to interview Aneesa of about her blogging experience and recommendation for you.
Queen Girls: Inspiring girls to dream big & do more!

Thanks to my journey to become a certified coach I met Jimena, an amazingly inspiring Expat who has lived and worked in South Africa, Brazil, Canada, and now the US. Next to setting up her coaching business she also has a very entrepreneurial spirit and a big vision: Inspiring girls to dream big & do more. In the spirit of Share-the-Love I want to take the possibility to share this amazing project! Learn more on how you can help!
Expat Interview with Alexia

This week I want to share with you one of the interviews of the workbook with Alexia, who lived and moved abroad to exotic countries and found herself in many different roles along the way. I am sure you can learn a lot from her point of view!
Learn from strong women

Last week I was in the lucky position to attend the International Women’s Day Lightning Talks in Chicago. I was impressed by the panel consisting of strong entrepreneurial women. Those female leaders with a background in tech, culture, social media, and politics have been real role models for the audience. It was great to see that it was an honest and well-reflected approach to strengthen women’s‘ mindset. No overuse of buzzwords, female paroles or how unfair everything is but straightforward insights into their daily business life and their advice for the mostly female audience.
Interview with James from

I recently started interviewing successful expats around the globe. I want to start this new series with James, a Brit living in Germany. Next to working as an Expat in the corporate world he also started his own business. For those of you, who are thinking about starting something abroad this chat can be an inspiring interview.