queen girls, expat story

Expat Partner Story: Inspiring Girls to dream big & Do more

Thanks to my journey to become a certified coach I met Jimena, an amazingly inspiring Expat who has lived and worked in South Africa, Brazil, Canada, and now the US. Next to setting up her coaching business she also has a very entrepreneurial spirit and a big vision: Inspiring girls to dream big & do more. In the spirit of Share-the-Love I want to take the possibility to share this amazing project! Learn more on how you can help!

jimena, coaching, power girls

What is Queen Girls all about?

Queen Girls is a collection of fairy tales, inspired by the lives of real women. Each book is a combination of reality and fantasy, giving them a sense of possibility and creativity. Both are key to support their dreams and catch the attention of our little ones. These books are geared for girls aged 4 – 7. ‘We believe that as parents, we need to be more conscientious about the content we read to our children. Storytelling is an intimate, powerful and often underestimated privilege. It is not just about acquiring new vocabulary, but also creating ideas and perspectives that will support their dreams. Telling them new stories could potentially change theirs. ‘ They want to stir the conversation around stereotypes in children’s literature. More often than not, women are portrayed simply as exotic beauties, love seekers and homemakers.

We want to teach girls that our diversity makes each one of us unique beings equally capable of doing anything we set ourselves out to do!’

Jimena Duran

Embracing diversity

Diversity is at the core of this collection. Every woman portrayed comes from a different walk of life and diverse background. The writers and illustrators are also unconventional. Jimena intentionally invited different women to be part of this adventure hoping to create alliances beyond stereotypes

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How Queen Girls was born

As a new mom, Jimena started paying closer attention to children’s literature. She found herself changing the lyrics of songs and books because their messages didn’t always resonate with her. She did not feel comfortable delivering much of the content to her son and wanted to do something about it. Her sister in law, Andrea Doshi, Co Creator, speech pathologist and passionate traveler, didn’t hesitate to jump into the adventure. Together they brought this concept to life with their first, co authored book, ‘Bessie, Queen of the Sky’ (image below).

queen girls, expat story

How you can support this great project

The first book was printed thanks to a supportive community and successful Kickstarter campaign. They are now running a second Kickstarter campaign with 5 new titles! They need all the love you can give them to make their dream to publish this collection a reality (social media shares, articles, interviews, …)!

Check out their amazing video on their kickstarter campaign for more information

I hope you find this project as inspiring as me and want to support this great vision of empowering girls so that they know what actually is possible. Share this article to get more attention on this project or head over to their Kickstarter Campaign and help them reach their goal! 

Thanks for sharing the love and stopping by

Kate from Share the Love, expat, expat wife, expat life

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