The 5 phases of culture shock and how to go through smoothly

Culture shock is what you can expect when moving to another country. It does not matter if you move to a place similar to your own culture or you are changing continents. No matter the distance, you will still experience a cultural shock and the different phases it comes with.
5 big communication differences between Americans and Germans

Living in the US as a German gives me the opportunity to observe many small differences throughout my day. In the following, I have written down 5 big communication-related habits that are very distinct in each country.
What to do when feeling grumpy abroad

Have you felt grumpy in your new surrounding as an Expat? While in everyone’s life there are good and bad days, some triggers are more intense due to the new foreign surrounding.
What am I? The struggle of defining myself as an Expat Wife

In this blog post I will explain the emotional journey of an Expat Wife and the deep, mind-changing learning I drew out of that experience. My motivation behind this post and the blog itself is more than ever: Empower women who were bold enough to quit their job and joined their husband on their joint adventure abroad.
Self-marketing overseas: The overwhelming American business culture and how to cope with it

So what are the core differences in our private and business culture? How vital is self-marketing in the American business culture? And how can I as an Expat adopt to my new surrounding in order to be perceived as a valuable and competent business partner?
Expat Statistics: How many are we?

Interested in some Expat Statistics? Recently I started wondering how many Expats and Expat Wives are currently living abroad.
Oh, Sweet Expat Life – the Beauty and the Beast

After 8 months in my new Expat Life I would like to take the opportunity to summarize the good, the bad and the ugly. As an Expat Wife I guess I have some insights for you.
The Expat Partner’s Blues: My Top 7 Proven Tricks

Out of my experience, I have put together a small guide of 7 proven tricks. These are your tools to overcome the Expat Wife’s blues. They all work for me and I hope you find them useful when you are in a similar situation.
What Next? The struggle of defining yourself as an Expat Wife

What Next? The struggle of defining yourself as an Expat Wife Moving abroad is a big step. Moving abroad for the love of your life being an expat wife for a certain amount of time is a completely different thing to do. In this way, you are not only just moving abroad dealing with all the different […]
Your Motivation Chart: Why are you doing this?

Manifest your motivation for quitting your job and moving abroad to become an Expat Ever heard about a motivation chart? In this blog post I offer you my advice on how to remind yourself about your motivation when you are living and working abroad. Download my free handout and let me know what you think. […]