What do we know about expat partner career?

What do you actually know about expat partners and career planning? Numerous extensive academic studies have dealt with the question of how the career of partners who go abroad for a certain period of time for the partner’s job is affected. In this article, I’ll give you a quick run-through of some of the hot topics that are known about this.
The future of female expatriation – the prospect of an international career path

In the course of my Female Expat Study, I asked women around the world about their international careers. Finally, I wanted to find out what their personal outlook is on the international job market for women. Will it become more and more normal to see women in leadership positions? Will companies send more women abroad or will they continue to see women as too much of a risk?
In this blog post, I give insight into how many women are currently being sent abroad at all and let the women themselves have their say with their view of the future.
Why some assignments fail

Not every posting ends happily. Many secondments fail, affecting not only corporate projects but also, especially in the long term, family and personal satisfaction. In this blog post, I would like to share a few insights that I was able to find in the course of my research on this topic. I like to refer to academic studies and large-scale studies and I am glad that there have been more studies on this topic especially in the last 20 years. If you want to look more into the topic feel free to check out this info box. In this box, I put the names of some papers and studies that I consider relevant.
Bye-Bye VUCA – hello BANI

Are you already freaking out after reading the headline? Has this headline created a fear of missing out (FOMO)? Well, the BANI model is gaining more traction right now and I wanted to clear some confusion you might have.
Future Workforce

What might the future of work look like and what would that mean for me and my career plans? I give insight into an interesting PWC study and explain what you can do for yourself today. There is also a fun quiz that will show you what corporate culture you are longing for!