Going to the dentist: Germany vs. the US

mouth, dentist

In my mind, you have officially and to 100% moved abroad when you stopped going to the hairdresser and dentist on your yearly visits to your home country 🙂 In my case, it was heavy pain that forced me to say goodbye to the idea of going to my doctors during the next Christmas.
In this blog post, I want to share with you some of the things I realized are pretty different about this visit to the dentist. I would love to learn from your experience. Please comment below what happened to you and if you can resonate with the differences I realized.

The value of vacation around the globe

vacation, cultural difference, usa, germany

What does going on vacation mean to you? If you are coming from a different part of the world than me we most likely have different opinions on that topic. In this blog post, I will drill a bit deeper into the different value of vacation in different parts of the world.

Too stupid to order ice cream in the US?

icecream, culture, us, europe, differences

When you move abroad it is often the smaller things in daily life that remind you that you are living outside your known culture. One occasion this week has been ordering ice-cream. The bewildered faces of both, the ice-cream seller and me, would have been ready for stage 🙂 So why is ordering icecream so tricky in the US?