Why less families decide to move abroad

expat assignments, global mobility, willingness to move abroad, moving abroad

Are families less willed to move abroad in this world of uncertainty? How will expat assignments change within the next year? How to make the decision of moving abroad or working from home in another country? This article is shedding some light on the future of global mobility in the world we are living in right now.

The aimless & spoiled expat spouse – an opinion piece

A few years ago I read an article in a renowned German newspaper about women who move abroad for their husband’s careers and give up their careers to do so. The article was written in a tone that made it clear that the reality of this situation was not fully grasped by the authors. There was a lot written about self-sacrifice, betrayal of emancipation, and throwing away one’s identity. These are points that are certainly felt partially by expat partners, but they do not reflect the real motivation and situation in all its complexity. I have then written an opinion piece that has lost nothing of its relevance to this day.

Therefore, in this blog post I would like to point out the other side and draw a counter-draft to the image of the spoiled partner abroad.

The 4 different types of expat partners

expat, expat partner, expat wife, living abroad, new beginnings, women

In this blog post, I will paint a picture of the accompanying partner trying to summarize different study findings. It will help you to get a feeling for the wide range of personalities of the expat partners.

The threat of expatriation for the expat spouse

spouse, identity, adjustment

An international relocation presents varying degrees of threat or challenge to expatriate spouses‘ happiness. In this blog post, I explain why that is and reveal the key ingredient to master the journey of moving countries with a sense of fulfillment and happiness. 

Bring back the Structure to your life

expat, free download, template, planner, organize

Free planner to download to structure your month, week, daily todos but all aligned with your goals during your time abroad. Gain empowerment through becoming active again.

Life abroad: Perception vs. Reality

expat, living abroad

The perception of our lives abroad often differs tremendously from reality. While life abroad definitely brings along a lot of joy, happiness, opportunities and exciting experiences, it also comes with a price tag. Like everything in life, there are two sides to a coin.
The idea of us sitting along the pool sipping a margarita might feel far away for you. For your friends and family back home, this might be the picture that they have in their heads.

The Expatriation: A journey into the past for modern women?

expat relationship, role of women, partnership, expatriate

Since I started my adventure of living abroad and even more after diving into the business behind expatriation, I am fascinated by the shift of gender roles after moving abroad. In this blog post, I want to elaborate a bit about my personal experience with the gender inequalities in expatriation and add some interesting resources I found.

What to do when feeling grumpy abroad

expat, expat wife, expat life, grump, sharethelove, homesick

Have you felt grumpy in your new surrounding as an Expat? While in everyone’s life there are good and bad days, some triggers are more intense due to the new foreign surrounding.

The Expat Partner’s Blues: My Top 7 Proven Tricks

expat blues, sharethelove

Out of my experience, I have put together a small guide of 7 proven tricks. These are your tools to overcome the Expat Wife’s blues. They all work for me and I hope you find them useful when you are in a similar situation.