5 things to know before moving to Chicago

chicago, sharethelove, travel guide

Almost one year ago we packed our stuff and moved to Chicago. It’s unbelievable how quickly time goes by when you have fun.

There are a lot of stereotypes about Chicago. Many of them are true and some of them are totally exaggerated. In the following, I tell you 5 things you should know when thinking about moving to Chicago.

My Favorite Things to do in Chicago

chicago, expat, travel guide, sharethelove, travel usa

Chicago is one of the most exciting towns in the United States – and that is not just my opinion 🙂 Often I get asked about my favorite things to do, my favorite restaurants, bars and places to visit. As I am a fan of free travel guides to downloads I put all my highlights on a one-pager which you can download here. If you are more a person who wants to be convinced with pictures keep on reading. Enjoy the beauty of Chicago and send me a message when you are visiting!

My personal „Feels-like-home“ spots in Chicago

eataly, travel, guide, sharethelove, chicago

I am a huge fan of diving into a new culture and exploring new tastes, customs and ways how to do things. However, from time to time I enjoy feeling at home at a foreign place to feel energized again. In this blog post I will show you my Chicago gems for European spirit.