The future of female expatriation – the prospect of an international career path

In the course of my Female Expat Study, I asked women around the world about their international careers. Finally, I wanted to find out what their personal outlook is on the international job market for women. Will it become more and more normal to see women in leadership positions? Will companies send more women abroad or will they continue to see women as too much of a risk?
In this blog post, I give insight into how many women are currently being sent abroad at all and let the women themselves have their say with their view of the future.

Is the grass greener on the other side?

career planning abroad, expat, confusing, questions, career, sharethelove, working abroad

I am thrilled to finally share with you my latest research on the Female Expat. After months of work (and a steep learning curve on conducting academic research), I am proud to present the result in the form of a free epaper to download. In this blog post, I will share key insights and why this study is relevant to you when accompanying your partner on an assignment abroad.

The global glass ceiling of the Female Expat

glass border, expat, female expat

The percentage of female expats is raising but it is still far away from gender parity. I was interested to learn more about the reasons behind it and came across the concept of the global glass ceiling which I will explain in more detail in this post.
This is a small glimpse into my upcoming study of the „Thriving Female Expat! which will be published in October 2021 and which you can access here soon.