Changing values in the job market 2023

The beginning of the year is always a time for reflection and it is therefore not surprising that many people also consider whether their current job or employer still suits them. In today’s blog post, I summarize a few interesting facts from a Europe-wide HR study on changing core values of employees. This will give you a good feeling of where you stand compared to others – even when you are thinking about re-entering the job market, these facts are very helpful to get a feeling for the new value construct of the job market 2023.
Why some assignments fail

Not every posting ends happily. Many secondments fail, affecting not only corporate projects but also, especially in the long term, family and personal satisfaction. In this blog post, I would like to share a few insights that I was able to find in the course of my research on this topic. I like to refer to academic studies and large-scale studies and I am glad that there have been more studies on this topic especially in the last 20 years. If you want to look more into the topic feel free to check out this info box. In this box, I put the names of some papers and studies that I consider relevant.
The New Post Pandemic Workplace – implications for the expat partner and international career couple

In this blog post, I share with you possible changes due to COVID-19 and how you can respond and benefit as the expat partners. Make yourself ready for a new work culture
Bye-Bye VUCA – hello BANI

Are you already freaking out after reading the headline? Has this headline created a fear of missing out (FOMO)? Well, the BANI model is gaining more traction right now and I wanted to clear some confusion you might have.
The complexity of being an International Career Couple

I recently had the pleasure of talking to Jannie Aasted Skov-Hansen and Paul Vanderbroeck about their new book „The International Career Couple Handbook“. Reading the title alone, you will get a good sense of what the book is all about and it is a great additional resource when planning your adventures abroad. So as it is just a perfect fit for the SharetheLove audience and I really enjoyed reading it I want to tell you more about it in this blog post. I will introduce you to the definition of International Career Couples and explain to you why this book is very helpful even when you are currently NOT in a Dual-Career relationship right now.
Future Workforce

What might the future of work look like and what would that mean for me and my career plans? I give insight into an interesting PWC study and explain what you can do for yourself today. There is also a fun quiz that will show you what corporate culture you are longing for!
Modern Expatriation & Global Careerists

Also, besides COVID-19, the global war for talent is ongoing. Companies are still operating on a global scale and need qualified and experienced employees to master the task. In a very interesting piece, Yvonne McNulty, one of the best-known researchers in the field of expatriate management, is shedding light on what is changing in expat recruitment. In this blog post, I am sharing some insights from this study and explain the effects on the accompanying family and especially the expat partner.
Global Mobility Trends in times of COVID-19

We are living in times of great uncertainty. COVID-19 has basically impacted all aspects of life including the way we work and travel. In this blog post, I shed light on the global mobility trends 2020/2021 and how the pandemic will hit the Global Mobility sector regarding expat management. As a coach of expat partners, I always follow the global mobility industry closely. So here are my observations!
Mastering the international move

Moving overseas is a stressful time, especially when the two Cs (Children & Container) are involved. With our own move shortly ahead, I want to summarize all the tips and tricks I received from other experienced expats and that helped me the last time we have moved countries. This list of tips is tailored to families moving with a container. Often there are professional moving companies involved and while that is a huge help in can also lead to many misunderstandings and hiccups along the way.
Internations Business Solutions Study 2019

Recently, InterNations Business Solutions published its new survey about expats around the world. This time they dedicated a whole section to the relocation spouse and presented her demographics, personal situation, needs, and wishes for their time abroad.
With over 1,300 relocation spouses interviewed, it is one of the most comprehensive surveys out there. That’s why I find it highly relevant to talk about the results – so let’s have look inside.
The Expat Partner in Numbers

Since I started my mission to help Expat Partners worldwide to continue their career abroad, I am fascinated by the statistics you can find in that field. In this blog post, I want to give you an overview of the different resources out there and what is so impressive about them.
Trends that shape global assignments for companies

In my research for my workbook for Expat Partners, I came across many useful facts and figures. I talked to industry leaders and HR experts, and I want to share some of the key trends at the moment that shape the global assignment movement.
Expat Statistics: How many are we?

Interested in some Expat Statistics? Recently I started wondering how many Expats and Expat Wives are currently living abroad.