female expatriates, sharethelove, research, role model, female expat, woman, expat partner, back to work

Wake me up BEFORE September ends

Getting back to school & getting back to work

To me, September always feels much more like new beginnings than New Year’s Eve. At the end of December we count down, set new goals and plan the year but it actually feels more like a short break. The end of the year is usually as busy as the beginning of the new year. September is different. Many have been able to mentally detach from their work projects, their old goals, and plans and have had time to collect themselves and see what is actually important to you. For families, the long summer vacations are a natural break in the usual routines anyway.

What about your needs?

So now it starts again. The new school year, the new working year. Parents are busy shopping for the last school supplies, buying new lunch boxes, or looking for the kindergarten backpack that is lying in some closet. Everything is being prepared for a new round in the everyday routine of the carousel that is called life. Especially with mothers I experience again and again (and also with me) that the focus is on the children. It is our natural instinct to make sure that they are well prepared for the new kindergarten or school year. While that certainly makes sense there is another thing that certainly makes sense as well. Only that voice is not as loud in our heads. 

This voice asks us: What about me? How do I get ready for the new year? Am I ready to jump back in full swing? Am I still missing something? Is something still unclear? In what direction should I run?

What about me? How do I get ready for the new year? Am I ready to jump back in full swing? Am I still missing something? Is something still unclear? In what direction should I run?

The world starts spinning again

September is the best time to tackle these questions. The battery is filled to the max (although that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s full!), former work colleagues are coming back to work, new budgets are being decided, new projects are being explored and new opportunities are emerging that you could get involved in if only you knew how. 

So the world is spinning a little faster again after summertime and it’s up to you to decide if you want to be part of it or if you actively decide to take a different path. It’s up to you to re-establish a new routine that allows you to spend time on yourself and your needs, and it’s up to you to set clear boundaries. 

If you don’t want to do this alone, I invite you to join my Mastermind groups starting again this September. 

Within one month we will meet four times in small groups and address exactly the issues that are currently keeping you busy and preventing you from moving forward. It’s a mix of personal coaching and career consulting in a very motivating and structured environment that helps you focus on yourself and your needs. With you in the digital space are 2-3 other women who feel very similar. Often these groups stay in contact with each other even after the last session. If you want to read more about the concept, dates, prices, and feedback from others, these links will take you there: 

female expatriates, sharethelove, research, role model, female expat, woman, expat partner, back to work

The Mastermind Program

Why worry alone about the big question of your professional future? Join our mastermind group and work on your next professional steps together with great women from all over the world and guided by me as your personal coach!

From the bottom of my heart I wish you an energetic start into the new working year! I wish you to find yourself and to stay true to yourself, your values and your goals. Above all, I wish you a lot of joy and that you are a good friend to yourself!

Kate from Share the Love, expat, expat wife, expat life

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Eine Antwort

  1. I can relate to that, also one of the ways to start again is to start an online course. For example IED Madrid started new online training project, providing a response to a world in constant change and to the training needs arising from the new scenarios that have been developing for some time now.

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Eine Antwort

  1. I can relate to that, also one of the ways to start again is to start an online course. For example IED Madrid started new online training project, providing a response to a world in constant change and to the training needs arising from the new scenarios that have been developing for some time now.

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