Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


Questions I received from others that might help you planning

Can't find the answer to your questions? Send me a quick email to! I am looking forward to hearing from you!

I can't join every session due to other obligations but would love to join. Will there be other dates in the future?

The likelihood that all group members will be able to attend every time is very low. We all have far too busy schedules and family commitments for that. However, a beginning must be made and that is what the suggested times are for. Can’t make it on a particular date? Tell me right after booking and I will contact the other participants to find a new alternative date. So far, this has always worked out wonderfully due to the small group size! So don’t be discouraged if you can’t make it to all sessions! The goal is for everyone to experience each session and I take care of the organization!

My English is not very good. Are there also groups in German?

Some of the participants are native speakers but for many English is also a language they learned later in life. Normally the coaching sessions are in English and the workbooks are also in English. Since I am originally from Germany, I always offer my coaching sessions and mastermind groups in German in case a group of German-speaking women happens to be formed. The sessions themselves give a lot of space and the possibility to take your time to articulate your thoughts. The atmosphere is always very supportive and I encourage everyone to try formulating their problems in another language. This already creates a great reflection and exploration of the topic before the actual coaching even begins.

From time to time I also cooperate with German associations and offer German-speaking groups. This is always noted in the description of the group.

How big are the groups? And who else is gonna join?

In order to allow for an intimate exchange and to give each participant enough space, the groups are limited to about 3 or 4 people. I decided to start new groups more often instead of coaching in a large group and the feedback shows that this group size is perfect.

Participants come from all over the world but have a somewhat global lifestyle as a common ground. Some are about to embark on their first or another adventure abroad. Others are about to return home or have already returned. Some have a young child and are preparing for the time after parental leave. For others, the children are already a bit older and more independent. All of them are united by the question of what they could do professionally next, how the re-entry into the job market abroad or after a break could work and are looking for a community that encourages them and helps to sort out all the thoughts.

What happens after the program? Are there any further group activities?

I always encourage participants to stay in touch with each other after the last session and it is wonderful to see that this is often the case. Again and again I get pictures of digital meetings after the end of the Mastermind group. Currently I am planning digital reunions with groups that started a year ago and with many participants I am still in close contact as they keep me informed about their next steps. Some also book 1:1 coaching sessions with me to achieve their goals and have a sparring partner along the way. There is also a closed LinkedIn group for all participants that is used to exchange ideas and some keep coming to the monthly Global Coffee Dates to stay in touch with the others.


More questions? Send me an email to and say hi 🙂