A German in the US

In this section, I reveal all the funny, disturbing and shameful moments you live through when experiencing another culture. In my case it’s the German narrowed mindset focused on efficiency that is challenged with the American „everything is amazing and achievable“ attitude. 

US vs. Europe

Self-marketing in the US

The Americans are masters in showing what they have got! Not so easy for a shy German. 


How different will it be might you think…Well I tell you. 

Holding hands & shopping tampons

The longeryou live in a country the more you realize the smaller differences. I picked 3 random things from daily life. 

US vs. europe

Self-marketing in the US

The Americans are masters in showing what they have got! Not so easy for a shy German. 


How different will it be might you think…Well I tell you. 


The longeryou live in a country the more you realize the smaller differences. I picked 3 random things from daily life. 

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Why career coaching is so essential in times of new work

As a coach, I have seen a visible increase in the need to explore different career options. While some clients are finally planning to tackle going back to work after a long break, other clients are seeking a shift in their current career feeling their skills and values are not matched with their current profession. During the pandemic the buzzword „The great resignation“ came up, illustrating the global need for creating a new work-life balance. In this article, I will highlight some interesting global facts around the topic of the great resignation and explore why coaching is such an essential tool for employees (and potential employees) to gain realignment with their careers.

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A Different Approach to Everyday Life: A Return to One’s Own Values Abroad

Living abroad not only opens up a completely new view of the country and its people. The perception of worldwide cultural differences also does something to one’s own ideas. What is desirable? What belongs to the things that are absolutely necessary and what are things that are considered absolutely necessary in one culture and play no role at all elsewhere? This becomes very vivid if you make yourself aware of an everyday situation in a very concrete way. In this article, I look at the different designs of children’s rooms around the world and what this has to do with a return to our basic instincts. 

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Alltag anders: Die Rückbesinnung auf eigene Werte im Ausland

Das Leben im Ausland eröffnen einem nicht nur eine vollkommen neue Sicht auf Land und Leute. Die Wahrnehmung von weltweiten Kulturunterschieden macht auch etwas mit den eigenen Vorstellungen. Was ist erstrebenswert? Was gehört zu den Dingen die man unbedingt braucht und was sind Dinge die in einem Kulturkreis als unbedingt notwendig angesehen werden und woanders überhaupt keine Rolle spielen? Ganz plastisch wird das wenn man sich einmal ganz konkret an einer Alltagssituation bewusst macht. In diesem Artikel widme ich mich der unterschiedlichen Ausgestaltung von Kinderzimmern weltweit und was das mit dem Zurückbesinnen auf unseren Urinstinkt zu tun hat. 

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expat assignments, global mobility, willingness to move abroad, moving abroad

Why less families decide to move abroad

Are families less willed to move abroad in this world of uncertainty? How will expat assignments change within the next year? How to make the decision of moving abroad or working from home in another country? This article is shedding some light on the future of global mobility in the world we are living in right now.

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career, family, woman, woman

The 4 types of Female Expats

How differently do women approach the concept of a career abroad? What traits can be assigned to the various international CVs? I spoke with 30 female breadwinners who have made it abroad and identified 4 types that have emerged time and again. In this article, I discuss each type and show what you can learn from them.

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