Gaining Career Clarity
Not having clarity about the next professional step is a horrible feeling. It does not only has a negative financial impact, it also impacts one’s self-esteem and identity.
Throughout my work, I have coached many women with rather non-linear career paths. Women who took a longer break from the traditional job market to move countries or to raise children (often both). Women who find themselves in a new phase of their lives, ready to take over ownership again. I have witnessed how women regained their confidence and the spark and joy that comes with the self-realisation of one’s own professional future.
On this page you will find more info on my coaching program but also lots of great blog posts that will help you kick-off your journey to jumpstart your career!
Learn about my certified coaching program taking you from coaching to consulting – from gaining clarity to start applying again.
Share your current situation with me and I will introduce you to the concept of coaching and what package would be best for your personal situation.
Navigating transitions can be tough.Learn about the psychology behind and what will help to reconnect with yourself.
Read about career planning concepts and tips & tricks on how to take ownership of your own career plan.
Women around the globe share how they managed to re-enter the workforce after a longer break. Learn from their experience and feel connected through their honest sharings.
Can you have it all? A thriving career and motherhood? Read about important concepts such as mental load and integratin tg the factor family into your career plans.