Expat NEws: Statistics & Trends

On this page you will find news and statistics about the Expat Industry. When I became the Expat Partner, the whole topic of expatriation was new to me and I was fascinated to see how many companies are sending their employees abroad and that the struggle of the family is still a problem which can’t be solved. Learn more from industry experts and latest figures. 

Expat industry

Trends that shape global assignments

Dual-career couples and serial-expatriation are two of the biggest challenges. Learn more about it in this article. 

Expat Statistics: How many are we?

Ever wondered how many Expats are there and what they are struggling with?

The new approach to Expat Partner Support

Learn more on what I have to offer to companies who are searching for a modern approach to help dual-career couples. 

expat industry


Dual-career couples and serial-expatriation are two of the biggest challenges. Learn more about it in this article. 


Ever wondered how many Expats are there and what they are struggling with?


Learn more on what I have to offer to companies who are searching for a modern approach to help dual-career couples. 

explore more

expat partner, expat. expatlife, statistics, living abroad, sharethelove, expatwife, trailing spouse

The Expat Partner in Numbers

Since I started my mission to help Expat Partners worldwide to continue their career abroad, I am fascinated by the statistics you can find in that field. In this blog post, I want to give you an overview of the different resources out there and what is so impressive about them.

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expat, working abroad

Trends that shape global assignments for companies

In my research for my workbook for Expat Partners, I came across many useful facts and figures. I talked to industry leaders and HR experts, and I want to share some of the key trends at the moment that shape the global assignment movement.

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