The threat of expatriation for the expat spouse

An international relocation presents varying degrees of threat or challenge to expatriate spouses‘ happiness. In this blog post, I explain why that is and reveal the key ingredient to master the journey of moving countries with a sense of fulfillment and happiness.
Monday thought: Experiencing the worst-case scenario – surgery abroad

Since I am back from Christmas in Germany it was a rollercoaster journey with my health. I went to countless doctor’s appointments…each time assured that everything will be fine and each time I had to go back to just being told that it went worse. You start to prepare yourself for the worst-case scenario: Getting surgery in a foreign country with a foreign health system.
In this blog post, I will give insights into how it feels to be that vulnerable abroad and I give some advice from my experience.
What am I? The struggle of defining myself as an Expat Wife

In this blog post I will explain the emotional journey of an Expat Wife and the deep, mind-changing learning I drew out of that experience. My motivation behind this post and the blog itself is more than ever: Empower women who were bold enough to quit their job and joined their husband on their joint adventure abroad.
What Next? The struggle of defining yourself as an Expat Wife

What Next? The struggle of defining yourself as an Expat Wife Moving abroad is a big step. Moving abroad for the love of your life being an expat wife for a certain amount of time is a completely different thing to do. In this way, you are not only just moving abroad dealing with all the different […]