Do the next right thing – Role Model portrait Mireille

I am delighted to introduce you to our Role Model of the month: Mireille. In this portrait, we will learn how everything unfolded in hindsight. While there was confusion in mixed feelings in the midst of the expatriate experience, all her small steps lead to her having a job and family life she is very happy about. Learn about the important ingredient of networking and finding the common threat in your life.

Conscious expatriation Michaela’s role model story

michaela, role model story, expat, sharethelove

I am happy to present to you another Role Model Story today. This time a story without countless obstacles, several career changes, or identity crises. This story is less about the side of tears and more about how it can be and what you can do to get more ease in your life.

Role Model Story Flor: A dream job 9 years in the making

Our Role Model Flor has a lot to offer: she grew up in Venezuela and is currently living in Germany with her American husband. She raised 3 children far away from home, couldn’t continue her profession as a lawyer abroad, was searching for herself without the professional label for a long time, and finally found her dream job shortly before her family will move from Germany to the USA in the middle of a pandemic. Flor has so much to share with us. She tells us what it was like for her to be at home with three small children and the knowledge that her own career fulfillment was so far away. She also shares about the long application process that finally provided her with her dream job and reveals her secret ingredient

I know I am a much more fun mum when I have my own project – Role Model Story of Marloes

role model story, marloes, netherlands, taiwan, mybigmove, sharethelove, expat , expat partner, career planning

Together with her two kids (now 6 & 8 years old) Marloes and her husband moved from the Netherlands to Taiwan. Back in the Netherlands Marloes worked as a consultant and it was their first international move. In this role model portrait, Marloes is reflecting on her path from a corporate working mum in the Netherlands to distributing fun & supportive workbooks for children moving abroad as an entrepreneur.

Becoming a teacher abroad​ – Andrea‘ story

Japan, Anrea, role model, expat, story, sharethelove, goethe, goethe institut

In this expat partner role model story Andrea shares her approach to become a certified teacher for German as a foreign language during her time in Japan. A profession that she is now continuing after moving back to Germany.

Role Model Story: Preparing against all odds

Another episode of the expat partner role model series about the identity crisis after losing your career and creating a new path forward. Farsana was born in Afghanistan and emigrated to Germany as a child. moved to Azerbaijan, then to Lebanon and shifted her career as a lawyer online.

Diverting for Love, Persisting for Vocation

Today I would like to introduce you to Lea from the USA, who now lives with her husband in Zimbabwe. Like so many others, she moved abroad for love and had to reinvent herself to find her happiness. In the spirit of SharetheLove, she shares her story today and gives insight into the often challenging way to build a professional career abroad. Thanks a lot, Lea for your open words and your various tips. I am sure that many of you will find yourself in her story and take new courage from reading it!

Why I chose not to work and what I do instead – an interview with an Expat Spouse


Many expat partners ask themselves what to do with their life after moving abroad – especially when the „society-approved“, traditional corporate job or raising children is not a scenario. We often forget that there is a different path we can go: Not working, investing all the time and energy into ourselves, and be happy as hell. I am thrilled that Simone, who is actually also one of my coaching clients, is open to sharing her story and her personal approach in a blog post with us. Simone is a huge inspiration for me, and I bet you will be inspired after reading her reasoning behind her choice as well. Enjoy getting to know Simone and her creative, bold, confident, and clever approach to spending her time abroad.

A positive answer to the question „What do you do?“

expat, expat partner, expat wife, living abroad, new beginnings, women

So, I covered in several posts the identity struggle than can come along when you are moving abroad for the partner’s job. It’s a new beginning on several levels and a change also in areas that you have been happy with such as the job situation. In this blog post, I want to present you an interview with a very experienced Expat who moved abroad for her husband’s job and managed to re-invent herself and be happy with the new lifestyle. She contacted me after reading one of my blog posts where I covered the topic of why the question „What do you do?“ can be a tough one. She expressed her disbelief that modern women are still struggling with this and showed me her perspective. I loved it and wanted to present to you her point of view so I asked her for an interview. And here it is: A conversation about the modern challenges of being an Expat Partner and what to learn from more experienced Expat Partners – with the amazing Antje Döhring.