Why Couple Contracting is Crucial for Expat Couples

Living abroad brings unique challenges that can shift dynamics within a relationship unexpectedly. From adjusting to a new culture to managing career changes or redefined roles due to local constraints, these transitions can strain a partnership without clear communication and agreed-upon expectations. It might sound wired to formulate a contract with a loved one. However, many appreciate this tool since it supports be more clear and active in our way of communicating with our partner. Let’s get started and learn more about what couple contracts entail and how to set one up for yourself. Further down I am also sharing a free template with you to get the process started.

Recently I stumbled upon one of the best, recent academic papers about Dual-Career Planning in expatriation. The paper „Expatriated dual-career partners: hope and disillusionment“ by Agnieszka Kierner perfectly illustrates how hope vanishes when career goals are not met during an international assignment.
The Expatriation: A journey into the past for modern women?

Since I started my adventure of living abroad and even more after diving into the business behind expatriation, I am fascinated by the shift of gender roles after moving abroad. In this blog post, I want to elaborate a bit about my personal experience with the gender inequalities in expatriation and add some interesting resources I found.
How underlying beliefs stop you from finding happiness as the Expat Partner

Underlying beliefs can stop Expat Partners from finding their professional identity abroad and move forward. Learn more on how to detect underlying beliefs and act on it during your time abroad.